Engage with us: call for donations

Engage with us: call for donations

camin aktion is a production and creative agency with social added value. Join us in our support and mediation actions, and benefit from a tax deduction*. Support the program with a donation We believe that art and culture should be accessible to everyone, and that...
bɛ̌n bɛ̌n bɛ̌n

bɛ̌n bɛ̌n bɛ̌n

A choreographic and theatrical exploration guided by Sandrine Lescourant for 8 intergenerational participants In the Bambara language, “bɛ̌n bɛ̌n bɛ̌n” describes harmony or agreement. A group of 8 people – representing 3 generations, 5 countries, 2...