Festival program

Friday November 10th, 2023 | 08:30-10:00 PM | Théâtre d’Ô

Company IN (Montpellier)

Ingrid Estarque

Performance in-situ

Dance, music, vocal art

The evening program

is followed by a Q&A.

Company Kilaï (Marseille)

Sandrine Lescourant

Performance RAW

Quartet. Dance, spoken word (French)

Saturday, November 11th, 2023 | 2:30-5:00 PM | Théâtre d’Ô

A production by arte

Directors: Jean-Alexander Ntivyihabwa and Jamo Franz

A documentary in two parts (2x 51 min.)

The screening is followed by a conversation with activists of the hiphop dance culture.

Saturday, November 11th, 2023 | 4:00-10:00 PM | Circus tent Balthazar (Domaine d’Ô North)

Battle Museik 1st – Golden Edition

An original concept by collective Museik St

Battle 5 vs 5… Categories Kidz for the under 13 y/o, Funk, HipHop, House and for the first time: partner dances!

Sunday, November 12th, 2023 | 3:30-5:30 PM | Théâtre d’Ô

Naïs Haidar (Paris)

Performance Métamorphose

Dance (excerpt of the work in progress)

Company MY DNA (Montpellier)

Audrey Bosc

Performance Instincts

A dance work for 7 female dancers (excerpt)


Rhys Dennis & Waddah Sinada

Performance RUINS

Duett. Dance (French premiere)

The program is followed by a Q&A.


 Saturday, November 11th

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Théâtre d’Ô

Sandrine Lescourant aka Mufasa

Company Kilaï (Marseille)

Hip-hop as a tool for choreographic storytelling.

No required minium age. Just feel at ease with your body and movement.

 Saturday, November 11th

12:15 PM – 1:45 PM

Théâtre d’Ô

Naïs Haidar aka Naïs Flem (Paris)

Floorwork with fluidity and changes in levels.

Intermediary level.

Age requirement: teenager & adults

 Saturday, November 12th

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Théâtre d’Ô

Rhys Dennis & Waddah Sinada


FUBUNATION have developed a distinctive movement practice and physical language that pulls on influences from contact partnering, Hip Hop and African rhythms. Through this workshop participants will be taken through the different methods and principles the company apply to performance focusing on breath, dynamics and group connectivity. The company will also give an insight into the creative and choreographic tools used to build and develop choreography.

Intermediary level. Up from 16 years old.

Festival HYPE OCC is produced by camin aktion in collaboration with Museik 1st and partnership with Centre des Arts du Cirque Balthazar.

With the support of County of Hérault.

With the support of association Attitude, Région Occitanie and DRAC Occitanie as part of the Structuring HipHop Venue Program 2023.

Photo credits : arte : Signed Media GmbH | Battle : Ilia Tulit | Cie DNA : Benjamin Steimes – Châteauroux Métropole | Cie IN : Stéphane Réthoré | Cie Kilaï : Timothée Lejolivet | FUBUNATION : Amelia Lancaster & Ton van Til | Naïs Haidar: Lena Pinon Lang | art design : agency entre/autre