camin aktion is a production and creative agency with social added value. Join us in our support and mediation actions, and benefit from a tax deduction*.

We believe that art and culture should be accessible to everyone, and that artistic and cultural practice is a fundamental right; these are indeed fundamental rights defined by UNESCO.
In our actions, we implement specific programs to fulfill these commitments.
The #JeSuis program has been working for several years towards cultural and human mediation for newcomers and locals. Through cultural outings (performances, concerts, exhibitions, cinema, heritage) and artistic practice (dance, singing, rap, beatmaking, visual arts, documentary film…) for diverse audiences, including youth and vulnerable populations, we contribute to positive self-construction and better coexistence. To achieve this, we collaborate with the Child Welfare Services (ASE) of the Department of Hérault, shelters, and associations committed to education for all, emergency accommodation facilities, and the association Famille au Grand Cœur, which supports LGBTQI* asylum seekers and refugees.
Our incubator – camin’cubateur – supports emerging artists in their journey in France and Europe through advice, assistance, and training.
Significant work is regularly undertaken towards youth, with the realization and collaboration on programs such as Histoire de Talents and Pouss’Culture (Hérault county), or I dance my Story (France/Germany, arte).
Through our initiatives, we raise awareness about intergenerational and intercultural concepts, which we consider as positive and stimulating vectors.
The HYPE OCC festival that we produce also dedicates a significant space to vulnerable audiences (25% of the seat capacity) through a policy of solidarity invitations and specific mediations. Here, dances from hip-hop culture are celebrated in a moment of audience interaction.
Lastly, we are committed to providing quality support for foreign students in professional dance training in Montpellier, alongside the Epsedanse training center directed by Anne-Marie Porras.
If you wish to support these initiatives, which are partially funded by our own income in a fragile economic environment, you can contribute through a donation or corporate sponsorship, providing financial support or industry assistance.
This support can be for our overall work, or directed towards a specific action; we allocate resources while adhering to a fundamental ethical code.
*The tax deduction applies to individuals or companies fiscally domiciled in France. If this applies to you, please contact us for further information.
Photo © Dirk Korell